The Telugu action-drama Bachhala Malli, directed by Subbu Mangadevvi, is now available for streaming on multiple OTT platforms. Released in theatres on December 20, 2024, the film, starring Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer, received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. Set against a rural backdrop, the story delves into themes of love, family, and resilience. Fans who missed the theatrical release can now catch the movie from the comfort of their homes.
Bachhala Malli began streaming on ETV Win from January 10, 2025. The platform announced the film’s availability, urging viewers to experience its emotional storyline. The movie can be accessed on Sun NXT for mobile viewing and is also available on Amazon Prime Video. This multi-platform release ensures a wider reach, providing audiences with convenient options to watch the film.
The trailer of Bachhala Malli offered a glimpse into the life of Malli, a smart and ambitious man navigating personal and societal challenges in the 1990s. Set in the village of Suravaram, Andhra Pradesh, the narrative explores his struggles and the consequences of his decisions. The romantic subplot features Amritha Aiyer as Kaveri, his love interest. The film combines drama, romance, and family dynamics to present a poignant tale that resonates with viewers.
Directed by Subbu Mangadevvi, Bachhala Malli features Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer in lead roles. Supporting performances come from actors like Hari Teja, Rao Ramesh, Sai Kumar, Rohini and Dhanraj. The film’s music, composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar, adds depth to the storytelling. Produced by Razesh Danda and Balaji Gutta under the Hasya Movies banner, the film is a collaborative effort aimed at presenting a realistic yet dramatic narrative.
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