OnePlus Watch 2 is expected to launch soon. Details about the smartwatch have been doing rounds of the rumour mill for the past few weeks. It is expected to succeed the OnePlus Watch, which was unveiled in India in April 2021. OnePlus Watch 2 has been tipped to come with upgrades over the preceding model. Previous leaks have suggested key features of the smart wearable, its design renders, and hinted at its launch timeline. Now the company has officially teased the watch.
In a post on X, OnePlus shared an image with the outline of a watch dial alongside the caption “It’s about time,” suggesting the launch of a new smartwatch, possibly the OnePlus Watch 2. The circular body is seen with two buttons on the right side – one likely the home button while the other one looks like a rotating crown, which may also be functional.
The teaser was also shared by the company in a OnePlus Community post, where they asked people to guess what the product is and noted that only “wrong answers” are acceptable and the “best wrong answer wins the right prize.” Open to all users from India, North America and Europe, this contest will close on February 26, at 5pm IST, which could be the date when OnePlus launches the product.
Backing this theory is a claim by tipster Max Jambor (@MaxJmb) who states that the OnePlus Watch 2 will be introduced on February 26. This also aligns with the tipster’s previous claim that the smartwatch will launch during Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 that is being held in Barcelona from February 26 to February 29.
The OnePlus Watch 2 has earlier been tipped to come with a 1.43-inch AMOLED display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 chipset, and is expected to ship with WearOS 3 or WearOS 4. It has also been spotted on the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) website suggesting an imminent India launch.
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