
New Child Fossil Teeth Reveal Why Humans Developed an Unusually Long Childhood

A study by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) suggests that early Homo species may have experienced extended childhoods well…

4 weeks ago

Insights into protein evolution | ScienceDaily

Rice University's Peter Wolynes and his research team have unveiled a breakthrough in understanding how specific genetic sequences, known as…

7 months ago

In the evolution of walking, the hip bone connected to the rib bones

Before the evolution of legs from fins, the axial skeleton -- including the bones of the head, neck, back and…

8 months ago

Killer instinct drove evolution of mammals’ predatory ancestors

The evolutionary success of the first large predators on land was driven by their need to improve as killers, researchers…

10 months ago

‘Triple star’ discovery could revolutionize understanding of stellar evolution

A ground-breaking new discovery by University of Leeds scientists could transform the way astronomers understand some of the biggest and…

1 year ago

Does urbanization trigger plant evolution?

Urban environments have become hotspots for understanding how rapid evolution occurs in response to extreme environmental changes. These habitats exert…

1 year ago

Holy bat skull! Fossil adds vital piece to bat evolution puzzle

Of all the mammals, bats have one of the poorest fossil records, with palaeontologists estimating that about 80 per cent…

1 year ago

Algae provide clues about 600 million years of plant evolution

The Earth's surface is covered by plants. They make up the majority of biomass on land and exhibit a wide…

1 year ago