
Long snouts protect foxes when diving headfirst in snowLong snouts protect foxes when diving headfirst in snow

Long snouts protect foxes when diving headfirst in snow

When hunting for mice in winter, red and arctic fox are known to plunge headfirst at speeds of 2-4 meters…

11 months ago
Inherited predisposition for higher muscle strength may protect against common morbiditiesInherited predisposition for higher muscle strength may protect against common morbidities

Inherited predisposition for higher muscle strength may protect against common morbidities

A study conducted at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä showed that a genetic…

12 months ago
Artificial reef designed by MIT engineers could protect marine life, reduce storm damageArtificial reef designed by MIT engineers could protect marine life, reduce storm damage

Artificial reef designed by MIT engineers could protect marine life, reduce storm damage

The beautiful, gnarled, nooked-and-crannied reefs that surround tropical islands serve as a marine refuge and natural buffer against stormy seas.…

12 months ago
HIV antibodies protect animals in proof-of-concept studyHIV antibodies protect animals in proof-of-concept study

HIV antibodies protect animals in proof-of-concept study

Three different HIV antibodies each independently protected monkeys from acquiring simian-HIV (SHIV) in a placebo-controlled proof-of-concept study intended to inform…

1 year ago
Pickup trucks fail to protect rear-seat passengersPickup trucks fail to protect rear-seat passengers

Pickup trucks fail to protect rear-seat passengers

Full-size pickup trucks earned mixed results in two updated crash tests performed by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, the…

1 year ago
Fathers’ parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidityFathers’ parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidity

Fathers’ parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidity

Men who have been on parental leave have a significantly reduced risk of being hospitalized due to alcohol consumption. This…

1 year ago
Minivans don’t adequately protect rear-seat passengers: IIHSMinivans don’t adequately protect rear-seat passengers: IIHS

Minivans don’t adequately protect rear-seat passengers: IIHS

Minivans fail to adequately protect rear-seat passengers, based on a new crash-test study performed by the Insurance Institute for Highway…

1 year ago