The film follows the unlikely partnership between Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) as they team up to thwart a new villain threatening to alter the fabric of their universe. The plot kicks off with Deadpool’s usual chaos and wit, spiralling into a complex narrative that sees the duo… navigating personal grudges, relentless foes, and the deeper meaning of heroism.
India has launched two special category visa for international students intending to pursue higher education…
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Genesis built a special off-road version of its GV80 luxury SUV for racing legend—and current…
A genetic fault long believed to drive the development of oesophageal cancer may in fact…
Are you ready for a smartphone that combines stunning design, cutting-edge tech, and an excellent…
JAMMU: In an effort to combat the growing menace of drugs, Jammu police undertook extensive…