We hear it all the time: “Car seats don’t actually expire. That’s just a ploy by the manufacturers to get you to spend more money and buy new stuff.”
It doesn’t matter how many times we hear it; it’s still not true. Car seats expire, and your kid’s safety could depend on you recognizing that fact. We trust car seats to keep our little ones safe in a crash, and in turn, we must be vigilant in taking care of them and replacing them when it’s time. The promise made by the former heavily depends on our comprehension of the latter. And it’s relatively easy to see why. In 2021, there were 190 children killed in car crashes who were unrestrained, according to the IIHS. Here’s what you need to know about car seat expiration.
How long are car seats good for?
When do car seats expire? Car seats typically expire after six years from the date of manufacture, though that can vary depending on manufacturer and car seat. Of course, the seats don’t dissolve on the expiration date at the stroke of midnight. Rather, you should plan on replacing them at or around the expiration date.
Car seats today have more technology and features built into them than one would think necessary—or even realize. From side-impact protection to spring-loaded whiplash protection to LATCH, countless hours of research and development has been poured into better protecting our young ones and the numbers tell the tale.

Car seat label – on NHTSA website
Where is the expiration date on a car seat?
A sticker on the car seat provides all key information for the seat, including the serial number, manufacture date, and expiration date. Check yours and make a note for when the time will come. If you cannot find this sticker on your car seat, you should plan to replace it, especially if it’s a hand-me-down and you don’t know its history.
Why do car seats expire?
But why do car seats expire? There’s no single reason. From technology and design updates to simple wear and tear, there are plenty of reasons from which to pick why it’s time to trash the kid’s car seats and buy new ones. For starters, look at any car seat that is about six years old. Notice how different the design is and how it works when compared to new, on-the-shelf models? Crash test data, updated safety standards, advances in materials, manufacturing, and design all allow for cars seats with improved functionality and safety. Innovations today in safety such as Britax’s SafeCell impact protection, an integrated safety system that is claimed to test beyond federal standards, or ClickTight, which is an easy installation method that help ensure a tight, secure fit of the car seat, will help shape car seats in the future. Even the foam in certain car seats is now specially designed to absorb energy upon a car crash.
Even more than feature upgrades, car seats even decay on their own. Car seats are mainly made of plastic with metal bits (high-end models feature steel frames) in key areas and fabric covering the seating area. Car seats typically live inside cars, and depending where you live, temperatures inside your vehicle can range from 50 below zero to 140 degrees. Through these extreme temperature changes the car seat sits and endures and these climate fluctuations—and time—take a toll on the plastics.
“Expiration dates are a combination of technology, the latest standards, and product integrity. Adhering to them might actually make it easier for the parent to get it right, which ultimately makes our kids safer,” said Jennifer Stockburger, director of operations at the Consumer Reports’ auto test center.
Is it OK to use an expired car seat?
Is it illegal to use an expired car seat? No, it’s not. And strictly speaking, an expired car seat is better than no car seat, and it is illegal to carry child passengers who aren’t properly restrained in a car seat. But that doesn’t mean it’s OK to use an expired car seat. It’s a small amount of money to ensure your child’s protection.
Not convinced? Let’s experiment: Buy a plastic lawn chair. Leave it outside for six years, year-round, through extreme winter and summer, blasting sunlight and cold darkness. Let your kids jump in and out of them daily, and maybe even spill liquid on them for good measure (warm milk would be a nice touch). After six or seven years chances are that plastic chair is pretty brittle and it’s either cracked or broken. Car seats are more durable, but they are still made from plastic (with some metal) bits that age. Still not convinced? Remember that car seats aren’t the only thing that protects your child and has an expiration date. Bike helmets have expiration dates with the same logic behind them. While life jackets don’t have an expiration date, they should be inspected regularly for wear and tear, and the same thing goes for car seats.
Consider the above, then decide if spending a few hundred dollars (and that’s if you buy a top-of-the-line car seat) is worth it when discussing your kid’s safety.

What to do with an expired car seat
Do not sell or give away an expired car seat.
If you must dispose of it in the trash, cut the straps so no one else can take it and use it.
It’s preferable to recycle it, however. Check your community for local recycling services that accept used car seats, or look for a car seat trade-in event at a local retailer.
Stores that host these events collect expired car seats in exchange for a discount or credit on a new seat.

Frequently Asked Questions
What car seat has the longest expiration date?
The Maxi-Cosi Magellan has a 12-year expiration date.
Do car seats last 10 years?
Typically, car seats expire after six years, though some may be rated for 10 years or longer.
At what age does the 2-hour car seat rule end?
The 2-hour car seat rule states that a baby should not be in a car seat for more than two hours within a 24-hour time period, due to strain on the baby’s body, including spine and lungs. This rule should be observed until the child is a year old and can support his or her head and neck.
Why do car seats expire so quickly?
Car seats generally last six years, which is longer than the amount of time a single child will likely need a specific type of car seat. Of course, it’s fine to use the same car seat for multiple siblings in a family, provided the seat hasn’t been in an accident and it’s the proper fit and type for the child who is using it. So in that sense, six years isn’t all that quick. However, car seats typically expire after six years because that’s the point at which the materials have degraded to the point they may no longer be structurally sound.